Dinners at St Margaret Mary's
School dinners are £2.55 per day/£12.75 per week
You can pay for school meals in the way that is most convenient to you, choose from weekly, by term or half term.
We ask that you make payment ahead of the school week to ensure that arrears are built up. If you require your child to move from school meals to a packed lunch, we ask for 2 weeks notice.
How we provide the service
The Government introduced new legislation in September 2008 which means that primary school menus have to be nutritionally analysed for over 14 nutrients. By eating a school lunch every day you can rest assured that your child is being offered a well-balanced meal which is fully compliant to the new standards.
On offer each day there is:
A minimum of two choices of main course with vegetables or salad, plus potatoes or an alternative carbohydrate such as pasta; two choices of dessert or fresh fruit,extra bread; a vegetarian choice; a drink which could be juice, milk or water.
The school menus run on a three week cycle which is changed every term to avoid repetition and introduce new dishes. Menus are available to view at the bottom of this page.
*Subject to change without notice.
Free School Meals – Online Eligibility Checker
As you know, schools get their funding from the government based on various school statistics, one of which is the number of children eligible for Free School Meals. Consequently, it is vitally important that we know which and how many of our children are eligible for funding purposes but also to ensure that they are in receipt of their free school meals entitlement.
There is now the facility for you to check whether your child is eligible for Free School Meals by going to the Capita Sims Free School Meal website at https://www.cloudforedu.org.uk/ofsm/sims/
You only need to apply once and the system will automatically check your child’s eligibility throughout their time with us at St Margaret Mary’s and notify both you and the school of any changes to their eligibility by e-mail.
If your child is currently eligible or becomes eligible for free school meals, they will remain eligible until they finish their primary school phase of schooling.
Children in year groups Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 currently get school meals free of charge (called Universal Free School Meals). However, if your child is in these year groups and they are also eligible for Free School Meals (as per the online checker) – the school will also be able to attract the funding described above.
If you require assistance with any of this information, please contact the School Office.